Retirement Planning Tool

When would you like to retire?

If you retire at the Normal Pension Age you can take your Retirement Income Builder benefits in full.

The Normal Pension Age will rise in line with increases to the State Pension age.

The earliest you can take your benefits is age 55 (rising to 57 in 2028 for some members) – your pension will be reduced as it’ll need to be paid for longer.

In some cases you may be able to take unreduced pension from age 60 – check with your employer (or with us if you’re no longer paying in to USS).

You can retire later and continue to pay in to USS. Or you could choose not to contribute any more. Your pension built up at the Normal Pension Age will be increased for each month it’s delayed.

If you’ve left a USS employer or opted out of USS there won’t be an increase to your pension – your benefits will be backdated to the Normal Pension Age and paid at once, rather than increased monthly.

Useful resources:

The Normal Pension Age (NPA) is age 66, which is the normal age of retirement with USS. This’ll increase in line with planned increases to the State Pension age in the future.

If you’re no longer paying in to USS, your NPA may be different. Use our Benefit Calculator to find out more.